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Cheat sheet

Good design rules

Architecture risks

Software rigidity

  • Hard to modify
  • Little changes cascade into lot more changes


  • software breaks in multiple unrelated places when a small change is introduced


  • modules cant be easily ported outside the project


  • software is flexible to a fault
  • multiple ways exist to achieve the same goal
  • hacks are easier than proper implementation

Useless Repetition

  • Lack of useful abstractions


  • software modules are hard to understand

Useless Complexity

  • Introducing not needed complexity trying to avoid other pitfalls

Extended SOLID principles

Open/Closed principle OCP

  • Classes should be open for open for extension and closed for modification

The Liskov Substitution Principle LSP

  • Sub class should be able to replace its parent class without the module knowing

Dependency inversion principle DIP

  • Classes should depend on abstractions ( Interfaces ) not concrete implementations

Interface Segregation Principle ISP

  • Interfaces should serve a single purpose and be decomposable

Reuse Equivalency Principle REP

  • every reusable piece of code must be managed in version to ensure compatibility

The Common Closure Principle CCP

  • classes that are impacted with same changes are placed in same package

The Common Reuse Principle CRP

  • reusing a single class means reusing the whole package
  • classes come bundled together for changes

The Acyclic Dependencies Principle ADP

  • X depends on Y and Y depends on X
  • Package should never have cyclic dependencies

Stable Dependencies Principle SDP

  • Volatility is how much a software changes
  • avoid depending on volatile pieces
  • Stability is how hard a piece changes
  • A package should only depend on packages stabler than it

Stable Abstractions Principle (SAP)

  • Most stable packages should be more abstract
  • Unstable packages should be the concrete ones