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Author @rihemebh

.NET framework vs Core vs Standard

.Net Framework and  .Net Core are two different .Net Runtime implementation .
.Net Framework.Net Core.Net Standard
it is a framework for creating and managing Windows and Web applications such as ASP.Net and ASP.Net MVCIt is an open source and cross-platform framework for building the application that can run on any platform like Mac, Linux or Windows. allows you to create console apps and ASP.Net Core and .NET Core apps.It is a specification that can be used in all .NET implementations (.NET framework , core or xamarin)

Data Acess

. The Repository Pattern

A repository is nothing but a class defined for an entity, with all the operations possible on that specific entity. |One repository per entity (non-generic) | Generic repository| | --- | --- | |This type of implementation involves the use of one repository class for each entity|A generic repository is the one that can be used for all the entities|

. Unit Of Work Pattern

Unit of Work is the concept related to the effective implementation of the Repository Pattern. it is referred to as a single transaction that involves multiple operations .

 The benefit of utilizing the Unit of Work in your DAL is to ensure data integrity ;
if an issue arises partway through persisting a series of business objects as part of a transaction ,
all changes should be rolled back to ensure that the data remains in a valid state.