Author @hajali-amine
B-trees are self-balanced search trees, they are commonly used in databases.
A B-tree of order m follows the following rules;
- the root node has k keys,
, - the other nodes have k keys,
, - the leaves are of the same depth,
- if the tree has more than one leaf, the root has
at least two children
andat most 2m children
Node's structure
- pi is a pointer to a node that has keys,
, - a node that has
2m children
is called a complete node, - the size of a node is usually the size of a page,
- satellite information are stored with corresponding keys or in an another page.
typedef struc bNode{
bNode* children[2*m];
int key[2*m-1];
int size; // Number of keys, we can always determine later on number of children by doing size+1.
} node;
typedef node* bTree;
Creating an empty tree
bTree create(){
bTree t = malloc(sizeof(node));
for (int i = 0; i < 2*m; i++){
t->children[i] = NULL;
t->size = 0;
return t
Searching a key in a B-Tree
bTree search(bTree t, int key){
if(t == NULL) return NULL;
int i = 0;
while(i < t->size && t->key[i] < key) i++;
if (t->key[i] == key) return t;
if (t->key[i] > key) return search(t->children[i], key);
if (t->key[i] < key) return search(t->children[i+1], key);
Inserting a key in a B-Tree
Seperating the node in case it exceeds 2m-1 keys
void seperate(bTree t, int nodeIndex)
bTree newTree = create(M);
bTree childTree = t->children[nodeIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < M - 1; i++) // initialize the newTree Keys with the right half of the to-be-split element
newTree->key[i] = childTree->key[i + M];
if (childTree->children[0] != NULL) // if old tree Node @ nodeIndex has children
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) // copy second half of children onto the newly created Tree.
newTree->children[j] = childTree->children[j + M];
childTree->size = M - 1;
newTree->size = M - 1;
// In the next segment we'll make space to pull up the middle element of the nodeIndex node in the correct spot of his parent node so we have to set off the right half by 1 index;
// It will look something like this
// [-,-,-,-],middleNode,[-,-,-,-]
// ||
// V
// ...,middleNode,...
// / \
// [-,-,-,-] [-,-,-,-]
for (int i = t->size; i > nodeIndex; i--) //Setting off keys by 1 index to the right
t->key[i] = t->key[i - 1];
for (int i = t->size + 1; i > nodeIndex + 1; i--)
t->children[i] = t->children[i + 1]; // Setting off children by 1 index
t->key[nodeIndex] = childTree->key[M - 1]; // M is exactly the middle element that we pulled up in order to split
t->children[nodeIndex + 1] = newTree;
Inserting in an incomplete node
void insertIncomplete(bTree t, int key)
if (t->children[0] == NULL) // if t is a Leaf Node
int i = t->size - 1;
while (i >= 0 && key < t->key[i]) // Set off all elements bigger than the key 1 index to the right
t->key[i + 1] = t->key[i];
// Shifting is over and now correct spot of key is empty
t->key[i + 1] = key;
{ // if t is not a Leaf Node
int i = 0;
while (i < t->size && t->key[i] < key) // finding the right index to insert Key at.
if (t->children[i]->size == 2 * M - 1)
{ // If the node at i is full on keys we sperate then insert in the appropriate half.
seperate(t, i);
if (key < t->key[i]) // determine wether to insert in left half (i) or the new right half (i+1)
insertIncomplete(t->children[i], key);
Insertion in a B Tree
bTree insert(bTree t, int key){
if (t->size == 2 * M - 1)
{ // if the root node t is full on keys seperate then insert properly. Note that using this way, the tree will grow upwards and sideways everytime we add a key.
bTree newTree = create(M);
newTree->children[0] = t;
seperate(newTree, 0); // Seperate node t into 2 parts an lift up the middle key to the new Root node newTree.
insertIncomplete(newTree, key);
return newTree;
insertIncomplete(t, key);
return t;
Removing a key in a B Tree
In here you will find two functions borrowRight , fusionRight and deletePred , you should know that there are also two other borrowLeft , fusionRight and deleteSucc that are basically symetrical to the right version. You should implement them. |
Borrowing a key from a right child
void borrowRight(bTree t, int nodeIndex){
bTree tLeft = t->children[nodeIndex];
bTree tRight = t->children[nodeIndex + 1];
tLeft->key[tLeft->size] = t->key[nodeIndex];
tLeft->children[tLeft->size + 1] = tRight->children[0];
t->key[nodeIndex] = tRight->key[0];
for(int i = 0; i < tRight->size - 1; i++){
tRight->key[i] = tRight->key[i + 1];
tRight->children[i] = tRight->children[i+1];
tRight->children[tRight->size - 1] = tRight->children[tRight->size];
Connecting the elements of the right sibling to his left
void fusionRight(bTree t, int nodeIndex){
bTree tLeft = t->children[nodeIndex];
bTree tRight = t->children[nodeIndex + 1];
tLeft->key[tLeft->size] = t->key[nodeIndex];
for(int i = 0; i < tLeft->size; i++){
tLeft->key[tLeft->size + i + 1] = tRight->key[i];
tLeft->children[tLeft->size + i + 1] = tRight->children[i];
tLeft->key[2*m-1] = tRight->children[tRight->size];
tLeft->size = 2*m-1;
for(int i = nodeIndex; i < t->size - 1; i++){
t->key[i] = t->key[i + 1];
t->children[i] = t->children[i + 1];
t->children[t->size - 1] = t->children[t->size];
Remove the last element of the left child and put it in place of the key-to-delete
int deletePred(bTree t){
if(t->children[0] == NULL){
t->size = t->size - 1;
return t->key[t->size];
if(t->children[t->size]->size < m){
if(t->children[t->size - 1]->size < m)
fusionLeft(t, t->size);
borrowLeft(t, t->size);
return deletePred(t->children[t->size]);
Remove key from an internal node
bTree internalDelete(bTree t, int key){
int i = 0;
if (t->children[0] == NULL){
while(i < t->size - 1 && key > t->key[i])
i++; //i points to the key
if (key == t->key[i])
for (int j = i; j < t->size - 1; j++)
t->key[i] = t->key[i+1];
t->size = t->size - 1;
if(t->size == 0){
t = NULL;
}else{ //root is not a leaf
while(i < t->size && key > t->key[i])
if(i < t->size && key == t->key[i]){ // key exists in root
if(t->children[i]->size >= m){
t->key[i] = deletePred(t->children[i]);
}else if(t->children[i+1]->size >= m){
t->key[i+1] = deleteSucc(t->children[i+1]);
t = internalDelete(t, key);
}else{ // key doesn't exist in t
if(t->children[i]->size >= m){ // no need to restructure the tree
t->children[i] = internalDelete(t->children[i], key);
}else{ // need to restructure tree
if(i == 0){ // there are no left child
if(t->children[1]->size >= m){
borrowRight(t, 0);
t->children[0] = internalDelete(t->children[0], key);
fusionRight(t, 0);
t->children[0] = internalDelete(t->children[0], key);
}else{// (i > 0) // there is a left child
if(t->children[i-1]->size >= m){
borrowLeft(t, i);
t->children[i+1] = internalDelete(t->children[i+1], key);
fusionLeft(t, i);
t->children[i-1] = internalDelete(t->children[i-1], key);
return t;
Removing a key
bTree deleteNode(bTree t, int key){
if(t->size == 1 && t->children[0] != NULL && t->children[0]->size < m && t->children[1]->size < m){
bTree temp = t->children[0];
return internalDelete(temp, key);
return internalDelete(t, key);