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Heap & Priority queues

Author @hajali-amine

Priority queues

Let E be a set mapped by a priority function p. We call a priority queue a data type that allows us to:

  • represent E,
  • add an element, with a given priority, to E,
  • remove an element with the lowest/highest priority.


StructureSearch max/minInsertionDeletion
Unsorted ArrayO(n)O(1)O(n)
Unsorted ListO(n)O(1)O(n)
Sorted ArrayO(1)O(n)O(1)
Sorted ListO(1)O(n)O(1)

Optimised implementation

StructureSearch max/minInsertionDeletion


Level of a node

The level of a node X in a tree A is the number of edges on the path from the root node to X.


The level of the green node is 3.

Hierarchical numbering

For a binary tree A, hierarchical numbering consists of numbering, starting from 1, the nodes from top to bottom and for each level from the left to the right.


Complete binary tree

A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.


Heap : Complete binary tree

Let E be a set mapped by a priority function p. A heap representing (E,p) is a couple T=(A,obj) where A is a complete tree and obj is a bijection that maps for each node an element of E.

Thus, for all node x of A other than the root, p(obj(x))>p(obj(Parent(x)))


typedef struct{
element e;
int priority
} node;

typedef struct{
int size;
node* t;
} heap;

You may be wondering as to why we represent it as an array! Well let me explain.


The root is the node of index 0. And for a node of index i, the parent is the node of index i-1 div 2, the left child is the node of index 2i+1 and the right child is the node of index 2i+2.


heap create(int size) {
node* t = (node*) malloc(size * sizeof(node));
heap h;
h.t = t;
h.size = 0;
return h;


  • Insert the element at the end of the table.
  • Keep swapping withe the parent until the priority constraint is respected.
heap insert(node o, heap h) {
h.t[h.size] = o;
int current = h.size - 1;
int parent = (current - 1) / 2;
while (current > 0) {
if (h.t[current].priority < h.t[parent].priority) {
node temp = h.t[current];
h.t[current] = h.t[parent];
h.t[parent] = temp;
current = parent;
parent = (current - 1) / 2;
return h;


In a min heap, we can only remove the node with lowest priority! In that case, it is the root node.

  • Assign the value of the last node to the root.
  • Delete the last node.
  • Swap with the child node with lowest priority until the priority constraint is respected.
heap delete (heap h, node* o) {
*o = h.t[0];
h.t[0] = h.t[h.size - 1];
int current = 0;
while (current < h.size)
int childMin = h.t[current * 2 + 1].priority > h.t[current * 2 + 2].priority ? current * 2 + 2 : current * 2 + 1;
if (h.t[current].priority > heap.t[childMin].priority) {
node temp = h.t[current];
h.t[current] = h.t[childMin];
h.t[childMin] = temp;
current = childMin;
else {
return h;